Metrics That Motivate
We all want to use metrics to evaluate fundraisers, but after you get past 'visits made' and 'dollars raised', many managers are stumped. What else should you measure? Meaningful metrics are possible, but they're rarely used. Learn how your office can measure annual fund, major gift and planned giving fundraisers by a yardstick that matters, that motivates officers to do their best work, and that leads them down the path of success. It's not a 'one-size-fits-all' paradigm; learn the various ways metrics can operate and design a plan that fits your office like a bespoke suit. You'll create a more satisfied office and raise more gifts to boot.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the three core principles that underlie effective metrics
Learn a set of metrics that can positively influence fundraising work for front-line fundraisers
Learn how to use these principles to craft effective metrics that meet your office’s needs depending on your stage of development and other relevant factors