Solicitation Preparation: The Keys to a Successful Ask
Solicitation is like painting: success or failure hinges on the prep work you do in advance of the all-critical ask conversation. You’ll learn common traps fundraisers tend to fall into based on hundreds of solicitations and be able to recognize and avoid them. We’ll explore the different paths an ask can take so you’ll know how to handle each one, and we’ll teach you multiple ways to handle prospect resistance, so you can help turn a prospect into a donor. Learn how to target key leverage points in your prospect that will allow them to say ‘yes’ more easily. When you’re prepared properly, you will have done everything you can to set up a successful ask.
Learning Objectives:
Learn common psychological traps you as a fundraiser may tend to fall into so you can sidestep them in upcoming solicitation conversations
Understand the different ‘vectors’ or ways a solicitation can go so you can prepare for them in advance
Identify your prospect’s leverage points in order to help them to say ‘yes’ more easily and quickly.